Make an ending

Hello guys, This time I am going to write a short story but a story without an ending because I want you guys the readers to make up an ending.

“new cat” by Robert Couse-Baker is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Moving To Another House

I am a cat, I live with my family in the far north of Canada, we had a good house and we never needed to worry about where will I sleep? Where do I get my food? or Where do I need to go? But now everything is changing. The moment when I heard that we were moving south due to the big storm racing towards us, I was panicking. The storm was said to destroy most but maybe all the islands up north, soon after we heard the news my family roughly packed up and bought train tickets for tomorrow down south. When I woke up my room was completely empty and I was scared. I rushed outside my room and saw my owners getting ready. They saw me soon after and they grabbed my bed and blanket with some cat food and grabbed me up into their hands and rushed to the nearby train station……………

My Commenting Guidelines

Lets talk about commenting on my blog posts, I think that when people comment on anybody’s posts, they should be respectful and mindful that what you write because anyone around the world could see it.


Comments that I think is acceptable are comments that encourage people and those who give positive feedbacks or constructive criticism and that are not rude, racist etc…….


I will occasionally put some comments in trash if they are inappropriate and that are rude or if they use coarse language.


Netiquette rules


I have researched on Netiquette rules and I decided to have some of my own netiquette rules. Netiquette rules is basically the rules of behaviour on the internet, it is how people communicate online and today I will share with you some of my netiquette rules.


I will always respect other people’s privacy by not sharing personal details e.g. email address, personal social media etc. unless you have their permission.


I will always check my grammar and spelling so that It is error free and people who read this could easily understand what I’m talking about.


I probably wouldn’t use sarcasm because I am really bad at it and I am one of those people who sometimes don’t get the joke.


I will try and use appropriate emoji [icons] when it is required at the end of the sentence.


Another thing in my netiquette rules is that I will not use coarse, rude or abusive language to anyone.


Lastly being misunderstood is common in online interactions; double checking that what appears perfectly clear to you is not confusing your readers. The best way to test your messages is to read them aloud before you post them online.


That’s all the netiquette rules I will be using after this blog post and hope you guys have a good day.


Game On

I learned from the video #Game on that cyber safety Is very important, because in the video a girl’s social media was put on something really bad of another person in the school and it happened because she told her friends her password which is no good.


You should always want to prevent people from getting into your social media account because someone might feel like making fun of you or getting you back from something, which could make you and people that are relevant to the photos and videos. I also learnt that if there is something on the internet that is free DO NOT click download or install etc… straight away, you should read the terms of conditions and if they asked you to put your credit card details in it is very very likely that it’s going to cost money.


Lots of people are addicted to social media, YouTube, Netflix and console and computer games and they don’t really care anymore about what is going on except the games and that could harm you in lots of ways, for example you might not sleep because you want to level up or just want to get something rare and you don’t don your school work or homework and get in trouble.

That’s what I’ve learnt from the video game on here is the link to the original video:

Positives and Negatives of the internet

Positives and negatives of the internet.



Hi everyone, few days ago I watched a video in class about how the internet could benefit you and how the internet could be harm you. Here are some reasons I will be sharing with you.

Image result for internet

The positives of the internet include various information that you could find in a few click of buttons and could learn way faster than you could before the internet was made, you had to go to the library and search from books which might takes hours or even days. Entertainment is one of the most thing people enjoy on the internet for example Netflix, YouTube and thousands and thousands of games that people use every single day. You could use the internet for communication like VOIP which is known as voice over internet protocol.


The negatives of the internet is quite dangerous sometimes because people can isolate you from basically anything because no one is in charge on the internet. There might be viruses in the things you download from the internet. Fraud happens on the internet every single day and people lose their hard earned money and many people lose their jobs because it could automate things and lots of people lose their jobs each year.

A link to one of the sites that I’ve used: